
Our Gudhiyari branch is being managed by fully trained and experienced staffs consisting of 35 teaching professional .

When your child’s teacher is his best friend, his team mate and a child at heart, he looks forward to going to school every day. Teachers stimulate the children to think for themselves, ask questions and come up with new ideas. They stand by them in their difficulties, walk beside them every day and constantly encourage them to put forth their views. TBS teachers take their jobs very seriously. They not only ensure that their teaching is effective but they also want the classroom to be a happy, secure place where children develop a love for books and school. At TBS -Raipur the play way approach is used at the pre-primary and primary level. Teachers use flash cards, worksheets and even projects to develop the child’s learning process in a creative, holistic manner. Workshops are held on a regular basis by various experienced and renowned resource persons for upgrading and empowering the teachers with the latest changes and methodologies in pedagogy. Not only is the learning more enjoyable it is also more effective. All children do not have the same grasping or retentive power. Thus our methods cater to all types of learning. Our faculty is well qualified and well experienced. A process of interviews is conducted with TBS Society before an appointment is made. TBS Raipur also has a well-qualified and experienced Counsellor for handling children with special needs who require counselling.